Funeral Service for Jikai Jane Keenan

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Dear Sangha,

With a heavy heart I must tell you that our beloved Dharma Sister Jikai Jane Keenan passed away in the early morning hours of May 30 in Ireland, where she and Saigyo Terry Keenan have been living for quite some time. Saigyo and their daughter, Bryna, and son, Conor, were with her during her passing. The cremation is today, and the funeral is scheduled for Tuesday in Ireland.

Some of you have been practicing for many years and knew the very special Keenan family. Both took Precepts at a weekend sesshin at Alverna Heights, where we held our retreats before we acquired our present home. Saigyo was the first Hoen-ji student to be ordained by me, also at Alverna Heights.

Please join me in a funeral service for Jikai at Hoen-ji this Tuesday, June 4, at our regular sitting time, 8:30-9:30 a.m. If you can stay for tea in the Forman House dining room afterwards, please do; then we’ll have our regular volunteer staff meeting.

Jikai’s Dharma Name means Ocean of Compassion, and she was truly that. I received this from Conor this morning:

Dear Roshi,

Thank you so much for your compassionate note.

I know pop will write as soon as he’s able but meanwhile I wanted to confirm that mom’s last breath was at 3:40am in the early morning of May 30th Irish local time (gmt daylight savings)

We’re on the way to the crematorium in cork now. She truly was and is a sea of compassion.

Thank you so much to you and all the Hoen-Ji/DBZ sangha. The home our family has found in all of you is an indescribable gift and I can’t tell you how much it means to have my mother memorialized by you.

More soon, with deep bows love and gratitude.




Tue, Jun 4, 2019 - 8:30am - 9:30am
Carriage House Zendo
Program fee: 