Kazuaki Tanahashi's Visit to the Zen Center

Kazuaki Tanahashi, who has a long and deep connection with Shinge Roshi and Hoen-ji, will be visiting the Zen Center. He will join us for 7 am morning zazen on Monday and an informal breakfast afterwards, and then will be going to St. Lawrence University to give a presentation on the enso (circle). Kaz is internationally renowned for his calligraphic paintings; his large-scale enso in gold on black ground hangs in our Forman House Dharma Hall. Shinge Roshi has written many articles and a book, Circle (published this year in Europe), about his art. She and Kaz brought out their compilation and translation of Soen Roshi's haiku in Endless Vow: the Zen Path of Soen Nakagawa. Kaz's two-volume translation of Dogen's Shobogenzo is one of his life works. He has given many brush workshops here at Hoen-ji, and presented an unforgettable calligraphy performance to benefit the Zen Center of Syracuse several years ago on the stage of neighboring Valley Presbyterian Church. He and Shinge Roshi led two pilgrimages to Japan with many Hoen-ji students participating.

If you would like to join us Monday morning, Nov. 17th, RSVP to admin@hoenji.org. More information about Kaz and his work can be found on his website.

Sun, Nov 16, 2014 - 10:00pm - Mon, Nov 17, 2014 - 2:00pm
Program fee: 